Wednesday, February 4, 2009


hey..sup? how u guys doin? mos was good..again sometime soon ok..

ANYWAYS.. u people mmg cannot leave me if i dont post anything huh?

day: *burung berkicauan,plastic sampah rolling,crickets singing.*

nada: i suggest u update n tell us a story

so ive got one..well u ll its bout today..but 2 begin with i have 2 talk about my housemate amir

well his name is amir anak zakaria..bapak dier datok!

but he is a nice guy 1st i thought he was like those sombong, belagak punye anak datok larr..

but turns out he is a very nice guy..

this is amir,dont know what the hell he is doing
so, the thing is amir nie x de larr alim sgt.. not that i am.. but its because die stop blaja agama time form 3, n then he went 2 international school.. n then da x blaja agama da..
that means dier x sembahyang sgt (smbhyg jumaat je), like me also..but still he is a nice me also
n when i came back from chinese new year hols ...ntah cam mane ..this fella dpt hidayah larr..
coz i nampak dier pki kopiah..about 2 pray..
he nearly gave me a heart attack..damn..i was like shocked..but the funny thing about the whole thing is when he asks about sembahyang..
like that one time..we got back from college .. n he just took his wuduk..n bentang sejadah..
n then asked me..weh skarang waktu ape arr?
the other one was when he called his mom..2 ask bout wat time is maghrib.
this is how he asks his mom:
"mak,.skarang waktu masok ape?" instead of skarang masok waktu ape?
anyhow..his mom then sent him a message for all the timings..
n now he is even advising me..
he saw me studying without bace doa dulu, n mentang2 dier bace skarang, he advised me larr..
this all 2 funny because the amir i once knew will like laugh at all these things..
bt whatever it is i am glad he dpt hidayah now..n doing what he is doing..
just dont keep reminding me im the biggest setan now in the house, amir!!

1 comment:

adib zainal said...

weyh..ko bile lagi kaisyrek...umh ko dekat masjid..azan kompem dengar..kah kah..bile nk cite pasal ak kah